Our comprehensive lawn mowing service encompasses a meticulous mowing, precise edging, and thorough blowing away of all debris for all encompassing lawn maintenance. We utilize top-quality, professional-grade lawn care service equipment that not only saves time and effort, but also ensures that your lawn is maintained in the best possible way, making your property look impeccably neat and tidy. With our Council Bluffs, IA service, you can rest assured that your lawn will be the envy of your neighbors.
The duration of the lawn mowing season in Council Bluffs, IA area is subject to variation depending on the weather conditions and the type of grass you have. Typically, this lawn care service season commences in the first week of April and comes to an end during the first week of November, which is approximately a period of 30 weeks.
We provide a weekly lawn mowing service that runs for approximately 30 weeks throughout the season. Customers also have the option to choose a Bi-Weekly lawn maintenance service that lasts for about 16 weeks each season. The cost of the weekly lawn care service is included in the standard package, while the Bi-Weekly service comes with a 30% price increase above the standard service cost.
It is not unusual for lawn care services to face weather-related delays. The safety of the workers and the quality of the work are of great importance, so lawn maintenance may need to be postponed due to heavy rain, extreme temperatures, or other unfavorable weather conditions. We will notify our customers of any lawn mowing delays through emails or phone calls, and we will resume our work where we left off before the delay once the weather permits.
Our lawn mowing service is customized to ensure the health and beauty of your lawn. We take into consideration the type of grass and terrain features present in your lawn before setting the mower height. This allows us to mow the grass between 3.25" to 4.5", which is the ideal height for most grass types. Mowing at this height helps our lawn care service to prevent scalping, which is the removal of too much of the grass blade. Scalping can damage the grass and cause brown patches to appear. Additionally, mowing at the right height prevents mower strikes, which are caused by the mower blades hitting rocks, roots, or other obstacles in the lawn. By adjusting the mower height appropriately, we ensure that your lawn is not only beautiful but also healthy and safe.
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